Reinstate London bus driver David O’Sullivan!

The London Bus Rank-and-File Committee and the Socialist Equality Party are calling for the reinstatement of London bus driver David O’Sullivan, sacked for upholding workers’ rights to health and safety during a pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 60 bus workers in the capital.

The death rate among London bus drivers is three times the national average, with the families of those killed demanding answers.

In London, Berlin, Paris, New York, Sao Paulo and India, bus and transport workers are fighting back. O’Sullivan’s sacking is a test case for the rights of key workers everywhere. Join the campaign today!

Join the campaign! What you can do:

Warning strikes at Berlin’s local transit operator BVG

At all costs, the trade unions, politicians and big business want to avoid industrial action at BVG, as across other sectors and companies, in the midst of the current federal election campaign.

Transport Workers Action Committee

Russian taxi drivers strike

Across Russia, hundreds of cabbies, if not more, have parked their vehicles and refused to take calls during rush hour this week.

Andrea Peters
Pass a resolution in your workplace
We encourage transport and other workers in the UK and internationally to pass resolutions in your workplace demanding the reinstatement of David O’Sullivan. A template resolution that you can use is provided here. Make sure to inform us when you have passed a resolution, by using the comment form in the “Send a message of support” section of this page.
Sample resolution
This meeting calls for the reinstatement of bus driver David O’Sullivan, sacked for upholding workers’ rights to health and safety during a pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 60 bus workers in London.
O’Sullivan, 57, was sacked on February 3, after he sounded the alarm over the spread of infections at Cricklewood bus garage. The rate of fatalities among London bus drivers is three times the national average, with the families of those killed demanding answers.
That a bus driver has been sacked for upholding his colleagues’ rights to a safe and secure workplace under Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act (1996) is a serious assault on the democratic and social rights of the working class.
We stand in solidarity with London bus drivers and key workers everywhere whose safety has been sacrificed to protect the profits of the corporations, their shareholders and the super-rich. We condemn the actions of Unite the union in colluding with the bus companies and Transport for London, presiding over a hostile environment in which illness, death and victimisation is stalking workers on a daily basis.
O’Sullivan’s sacking is a test case for the rights of workers everywhere. We call on working people to donate to O’Sullivan’s legal appeal, send messages of support and organise resolutions at your workplace or community group. An injury to one is an injury to all!
Send a statement of support

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