The German SGP lawsuit against the Verfassungsschutz

No new anti-socialist laws! Defend the SGP against the German secret service!

On November 18, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) challenged in a Berlin Administrative Court the decision by the German secret service (Verfassungsschutz) to classify the SGP as a “left-wing extremist” organization. The court issued a ruling based explicitly on the assertion that the SGP’s call “for an egalitarian, democratic and socialist society” violates the German constitution. The far-reaching decision lays the basis for declaring unconstitutional the selling, distribution and reading of Marxist and socialist literature. The SGP will appeal this decision and mobilize opposition to the far-right danger and the attack on socialism.

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Voices of supporters
It is impossible to care about human equality, about justice, about basic dignity, and support the suppression of discussion about how to achieve those goals. That the elite are attempting to prevent free and open discussion only shows how terrified they are about the working masses bringing weapons of reasons to the fight against oppression and inequality.
Steven Brust
Freedom of thought, speech and expression are human rights. The best ideas for human survival emerge from free exchange of ideas, not from repression. So, governments should defend these human rights, not violate them.
David Sawyer
I resolutely condemn this blatant and outrageous attack by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz on the democratic rights not only of the German working class but of the whole world. This is leaving the door open to fascism. Disband this centre for right wing conspiracies!
Sunanda Marasingha
The Gesinnungsjustiz in the Federal Republic is reminiscent of the darkest chapters of German history. The political persecution of communists and opponents of the government must never be repeated. In times like today we are more than ever dependent on socialists who fight against capitalism, environmental destruction, infestation and exploitation!
Tina Meier
I am a supporter of the SGP and opposed to the right wing attacks on socialism. I am appalled that Germany appears to be repeating the crimes of the Third Reich. My father fought in World War II against the Nazis. His fight must not be lost!
Carolyn Zaremba
I demand an immediate end to the surveillance of the SGP by the Verfassungsschutz. This anti-democratic approach has a sinister history in Germany. The Nazis' Gesinnungsjustiz was preparation for and part of the most egregious crimes of German imperialism. Workers and youth internationally must fight to ensure that this never happens again. Neither here nor elsewhere!
Elisabeth Zimmermann
This is an unacceptable attack on fundamental democratic rights in a so-called democratic Germany. This also shows that the criticism of the Erdogan regime in Turkey by the German and other European ruling elites is just hypocrisy. The only genuine constituency of democracy in Germany, Turkey and everywhere is the working class. And democracy can only be won through the struggle for international socialism.
Ulaş Ateşçi
The SGP lawsuit against the Verfassungsschutz
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